Friday, April 10, 2009

Annie is asleep. good time to clean the house, wash dishes, catch up on last night's TV shows I missed, take a nap, or blog. for the first time in a long time, I'll choose to blog. Anne turned six months old this week. She is getting cuter everyday. We have been sitting up in the bath tub. She is very into everything I am using. If I am on the phone, she wants to eat it; if I am tying at the computer, she wants to hit the buttons; if I am changing the channel, she wants the remote.

We have begun to eat three times a day. Here is an example of a typical day: Wake up with daddy at about 5:30-6:00am. Play with daddy/watch Fox and Friends while daddy irons his clothes. Mommy wakes up around 7:30 and feeds Anne oatmeal and some fruit. By about 8:15, Anne nurses for about 15-20 minutes. At 8:45, mommy and Anne leave to go Jazzercise for an hour. Anne watches the ladies dance around for about 35-45 minutes. When it's time to cool down and do stretches and strength-building, Anne wants out of her carrier and plays on the floor by mommy. Head home around 10:15. Take nap while mommy takes a shower. Wakes up around 11:00-11:15. Time to eat again: fruit and veggies. Daddy comes home for lunch and plays with Anne from 12:15-12:55. Mommy then nurses Anne and gets her to take a nap. Nap might go 2-3 hours, but usually about 90 minutes. Mommy uses this time to clean up the morning messes, do dishes, style hair and/or put on makeup, make the bed, etc. When Annie wakes up, she'll nurse and then we play until Daddy comes home. Daddy takes Annie so Mommy can make dinner. Anne will eat around 6:00, more fruit and veggies, and will nurse around 7:30. Anne will rub her eyes around 8:00. We get ready for bed by changing diaper, putting on jammies, reading a story and out she goes. With this new "three times a day" feeding schedule, Anne has slept through the night from 8-5:30 twice. The other two times, she got up around 1:30 and wanted to eat a little. That's not so bad! she was getting up every night at 3:30 for the last month. I hope this new trend continues.

Anne is really starting to sit up on her own. She leans forward in her bouncer, sits up in the tub chair, and can eat in her high chair. If I prop her up on the couch or in the rocker/recliner, she is able to stay sitting up for a long time. I have even stood her up in her crib and backed away. she will stay standing for a long time as well.


No real news to report. Anne rolls to her side from her back to get things, but has not gotten all the way over on her own. Twice Anne has rolled over from her tummy to her back, but she hasn't done it consistently. When on her tummy, she moves her legs like she wants to crawl, but hasn't gotten to that point yet.

Anne is smiling big, reaching for toys with both arms and with one arm (which is apparently a big deal). She babbles and sticks out her tongue to make all sorts of funny noises. She recognizes people, and sometimes Anne gets upset when she sees Mommy and isn't being held by her. Anne is fine when someone else has her, but when she sees mommy near by, she;ll scream and reach out for Mommy. It's cute right now, but it will soon be not as cute and more burdensome.

Anne will be moving to her new house in about a month. She will have lots more room for all her toys, and there will be room for Anne to get new brothers and sisters...down the road.

So there is Annie's catch up blog. Hopefully mommy can get her act together and keep up more often. We'll see...


Dynamic Duo said...

Oh, I am so glad you chose to BLOG. We love to hear about Annie & Mommy. You have a great routine going...good job mommy! Although, Anne & I are going to have to have a talk about watching "those" shows with daddy!!!
XOXO - Gus & Raleigh

Pete 'n Stephy said...

She is so sweet and adorable. I love reading about her growing up. Maybe soon she will have a new little cousin to hang out with. =) Keep up with the bloggings, we love them!