Sunday, January 25, 2009

Random Sunday

Three Month Old Annie Ainsley

It is a slow Sunday afternoon. I haven't showered since after Jazzercise class yesterday; I've eaten 5 peanut butter cookies (need to go to Jazzercise class again); Jon has shoveled the office but not our driveway yet; Anne is bouncing between being as sweet as pie, all smiles, to crabby and hungry even though she ate 45 minutes ago. We got her 3 month pictures back from Sears last week. I got most of them off in the mail, and I hope everyone loved them. She is really a cute child. Um, I know that I am her mother and all, but dang is she cute! Don't believe me? Check out the rest of the pics!

This month Anne started to really enjoy her jungle gym. She was batting at the hanging rattles and looking at herself in the mirror a lot (she must get that from me. I am a bit vain!). This week she has gotten even better with the gym. She grabs the hanging rattles and shakes them. She is actually trying to hit at them when she flails her arms whereas before she was just flailing and hitting them sometimes.
For Christmas, Nana and Papa (Jon's folks) got her a Baby Einstein video. She loves it. She watches it with undivided attention. The colors and the music mesmerize her. It is how I am able to blow dry my hair and put on makeup. I used to have to wait until Jon came home for lunch to shower and get ready. Now that we are out and about more often, I need to be ready sooner. I hate to put her in front of the TV but it can't be too bad! She liked it so much that we got her two more (mostly because I was getting tired of the same music). I can hear Jon watching it with her right now. This one is Beethoven. The first one was Mozart.

She is getting very verbal these days. For the last month she has been talking to us in these big long sentences "lalagabalajara" etc. with an occasional "BLA KA!" for good measure. This week Jon got actual laughing giggles out of her. It was so cute.
But the biggest step this month came last week when we started solid food. We started to give her rice cereal once a day. We may graduate to two times a day. (picture to come when camera battery charges) This was a big step for us because now Jon can feed her too. Whoa, she is really screaming now! Gotta run!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Year in Holiday Style

Anne Ainsley was born on Oct. 3rd, just in time for some holiday fun. As the year continues, more and more holidays keep Anne decked in cute outfits. Anne's first year of holidays has started off with a bang. I can't seem to decide on outfits, so she usually gets two or three (or more). We hope this makes your holiday brighter!


Anne's first holiday was, of course, Halloween. We had some trouble deciding between costumes. I went shopping on Oct. 30th and found a pumpkin costume at Kmart and a Peapod costume at Meijer. I couldn't decide so I got both and tried them on first. I got Anne in the Pumpkin one, took her picture, and then decided it was too big. I then put on the Peapod. By this time, she was not excited about putting on costumes anymore. She wasn't all that pleased in the pictures. For the big day, Anne and I went to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Hudson to pass out candy (we only get about 5 kids at our house). It was a beautiful day and we sat outside in the porch and watched the trick-or-treaters. Anne received many complements on her adorableness. Dad came over when he was finished working; Grandma and Grandpa came home, and we all had dinner. Everyone took turns posing for pictures with Annie-Peapod. I returned the pumpkin costume on Nov. 1st! Amen to Kmart!


Thanksgiving was Annie's second holiday. We went to Grandma's again. The Gregory family gets together on Thanksgiving. Aunt Sharon & Uncle Dave, Mike & Jenny + Will, Lauren, and Rachel, Jason & Jennifer + Allison and Nick, Uncle Mike & Aunt Bobbie, and Annie's Uncle Scott were all in attendance. We played pool, ate turkey, watched football, and visited with all the fam. It was a nice afternoon. Anne had a really cute "Baby's First Thanksgiving" outfit, but when she spit up on it, she had to put on the beautiful dress I had brought.

Pictures and more Holiday Stories to come...

Watch Annie Grow

Annie grows so quickly. It seems like we every time we turn around, she gets bigger, she can do more, and grows more beautiful everyday. To demonstrate just how fleeting her babyhood is, watch her grow month by month! BTW, I have no idea how to get the captions to line up with the pictures.

Annie at 2 weeks

Annie at 1 month

Annie at 2 months

Annie at 3 months

Annie at 4 months