Saturday, February 21, 2009

Random Saturday

It seems that the weekends are the best days to Blog. Jon has just completed his first nearly unassisted bedtime. Mommy usually cleans up Anne (either bath or just a good diaper change and lotion massage). Then she puts on the PJs, swaddles Annie up, nurses her, and reads two books. By then Annie is off in never-never land. I did give her the bath and the massage and PJs, but I let Jon give her a bottle and read the stories (I had to redo his swaddle) and she was out! Yea for Daddy. This is practice because Mommy is going out on Tuesday night and we had to make sure Anne would go down for him. Very successful!

Her latest and greatest are the screams. She has found her voice and insists on using it at full volume on a regular basis. I will try to capture this on video and add it later. "It's so cute" says GiGi's coworkers, except Mommy has a perma-headache. Anne uses this new voice to exclaim excitement, frustration, hungry, and anger. When she is upset, the screams can go on for quite awhile :( Mostly she has been screaming these last few days because the Sweet Peas we gave her are give her gas pain and making it difficult to go potty. She is hurting and it makes us so sad. The nurse told us to add Karo Corn Syrup to her food or bottle and that should help. so it has. Other advise we got was to give her prune juice or apple juice. We haven't had to do that yet. She seems better tonight.

Feeding her is getting fun. The rice cereal gives her gas I think; she loves the oatmeal (just like her daddy) and eats it every night before bed; she likes the carrots; the sweet potatoes are okay; the sweet peas are not that popular; and the squash is pretty good. Tomorrow we will add a fruit, probably applesauce. All this food has added the need for more bathes. She gets the food in the folds of her neck and it is really hard to get out. she wont let me stretch out her neck and clean it out so it's off to the tub! This past week we have been taking more "big girl" bathes. She really loves splashing except when she gets the water in her face. Anne has a bit of cradle cap, so I got some special lotion that is supposed to help. It did, but it smells so bad. We have washed her hair at least four times since, and the smell remains. I have tried to mask the smell with baby oil, lotion and powder. Nothing helps. All the washing doesn't really help the cradle cap...hmph!

Lastly, Anne has really come a long way with her grabbing and grasping recently. She can hold onto toys and fingers, blankets and bibs. She brings them to her mouth and can hold them there. She reaches for the spoon or the cup of baby food; she reaches for Mommy's hair; Daddy's favorite is that she grabs her feet or sometimes just her thighs when we change her diaper. It won't be long before she puts those toes in her mouth!

Almost forgot. We took Anne to the wedding our beloved niece, Stephanie. The plane rides were not that bad, some were better than others. The car ride over the mountain (we flew into Reno and went over Dover Pass) was good as soon as she fell asleep. At first we were worried because all the rental car place had were upright car seats. Anne did fine though. Annie was in the wedding as the "Radio Flier Baby." The cute little flower girls pulled her in the wagon down the aisle. The veil was Stephy's first communion veil. We had a great time, and were excited to share in the joy of Stephanie and Peter. They makes such a great couple. There is no other man worthy or appropriate for Steph than young Pete. They have a great life ahead. Glad we could be a part of it.


Pete 'n Stephy said...

Food in the neck wrinkles? lol
I should show some of my girlfriends who are "baby crazy" this blog entry so they can see babies are more than just cute little dress up toys...they SCREAM! lol

Very sweet what you said about Pete and I by the way...we love you guys!

Dynamic Duo said...

As always, love the stories...keep them coming! Yay to Jon for getting Annie down successfully. I know it is hard to let go of those things too, but it is so good for him:) XOXO Brooke & the boys

Emmster said...

We did the karo thing with both our boys. We added a small amount to the (formula) bottles. Once they were better, we gradually decreased the amount until they didn't need it anymore. Kind of gross, but better that than them hurting!